jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009

Don't Like Your Job?

Do you hate your job? Do you have what it takes to start your own business? Millions of people hate their jobs but don't have the guts to quit and start their own businesses. Self employment ideas are all around you and you probably don't even realize it. There are hundreds of ideas that you can use to start your own business and be successful but if you don't know what to look for, you can't make that decision to be your own boss.
Let's start with the most obvious self employment ideas. What job do you do right now? Would you be happy doing that job if you did it for yourself? Do you hate the job or just the company that you work for? If you hate the company you work for but love the job itself, maybe you can go off on your own and start a business doing that job. Whether it's customer service or an adminstrative position, you can find ways to do that job yourself. Ideas like this are endless. The technical field is another field that can harvest many types of businesses from the one position you work now. Many businesses hire assistants that work from home, or virtual customer service reps, book keepers, and others. Usually you can make a more money doing these jobs for yourself, and working from home than you can working in an office for someone else or a large company.

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm starting my own business and I have my brother as a partner, but for now I have an extra job in order to repay the investment made by my brother and to be owner

  2. nice topic!!!

    there isn't nothing more wonderful that be your own boss and nowadays there are a lot of possibilities in order to work from our house.

    PD: i love that picture :) is so nice!!!
